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3M Scott Safety
EPIC 3 Voice Amplifier Communication Device
Product Number
SCO 201275-01
AV-3000 with SureSeal Facepiece
Product Number
SCO 805774-82
SCO 804069-19
E-Z Airline Supplied Air Respirator
The 3M Scott E-Z Airline respirator offers ideal protection when extended wear times are required in non-IDLH environments. This supplied air respirator provides comfort and protection in a variety of industrial applications. As a Type C positive pressure respirator, the E-Z Airline supplied air respirator can be used with various lengths of Scott supplied air hose for a combined total of up to 300 feet.
Product Number
SCO 804386-19
C420 Plus PAPR
Product Number
SCO 200830-36
X380 Thermal Imager
(Five Button)
Incorporating standard features such as hot-spot tracker, cold-spot tracker, and digital zoom, the five-button X380 thermal imager also provides on-demand DVR for recording footage and image capture that takes a snapshot of the scene when the DVR is not running. The image freeze feature allows for quick inspection of tight quarters such as attics and crawl spaces — activate, review, then return to normal operation.
Product Number
SCO 8003062
EPIC 3 Radio Interface (RI) Voice Communication System
Product Number
SCO 201276-01